Wednesday 12 May 2010

The Story of Sedna

The Primary 7 classes have finished the felt picture of the Story of Sedna.
Christina Sargent came in for the whole day, and with Mrs Firth our art teacher, they made the felt.
This felt is different from the three which have been made at St Andrew's, Rousay and Sanday because it was made the right way round and started with the background, and details were added on top. It also had
three dimensional elements like Sedna's hair and her father's beard.
These were made using a 'resist' technique.
The children also made coloured balls and rope to depict the way we use the seas around us in modern times. These elements will be used in between the four felts along with sea creatures created in Sanday.
You can see all the schools at work in the video below.
Glaitness is the last school in the sequence.

This work was part of the Learning and Teaching Scotland Developing Global Citizenship team's project to illustrate how global citizenship can be embedded in interdisciplinary contexts for learning.

The felts will be exhibited at the Scottish Learning festival 2010.

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