Thursday 24 September 2009

New school links for 2009- 2010

This year we are building new links and maintaining some established links with schools abroad.

The early years classes will be linking with schools in Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago and comparing 'Island Homes'. P2 will be continuing their link with Australia and sending Peter Puffin for a visit. While studying Fairtrade P3 will use a weblink to Ghana, and for their Rainforest project they will get in touch with a school in Cameroon, the home of the Baka Forest People. P3/4 are looking forward to finding out about the children at a First Nations school in BC, Canada and comparing our experience of a living in a maritime environment through the topic of 'Coasts'. P5 will be in touch with a school in Bergen, Norway and be looking at cultural and historical links between Orkney and Norway both at Christmas time and through their topic, 'Vikings'. P6 are already in touch with a school in Colorado and through ePals will be finding out more about the geography of the area for their topic, 'Mountains'.

P7 will be finding out about Orkney's links with the Hudson Bay Company and the First Nations of Canada, as well as John Rae and his Arctic explorations. The impact of climate change on the Arctic and our responsibilities as global citizens are issues which they can explore using our established link with Ataguttaaluk School in Igloolik, Nunavut.

International Education does not have to involve contact with a link school but can be achieved through investigating social, cultural, and historical links, comparing aspects of everyday life and culture and issues such as Fair Trade, food miles and global health. These opportunities occur throughout the curriculum and over the school session.

We hope to use our class blogs as a primary point of contact for our link schools who have internet access. However we will also be using traditional methods to exchange letters and parcels alongside email, video-conference and involvement in online education communities such as ePals and Rafiki.Kidogo. As well as following the individual class blogs you can follow what the whole school is doing here, where we will publish sample activities from each of the classes.

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